Authentic Freedom and the Culture’s Counterfeit Offering

2 comments on “Authentic Freedom and the Culture’s Counterfeit Offering”

  1. Michael Reply

    So true. I think as with all thing God the bottom line for many who “claim” to be relativists is their fear that they will lose control if they give themselves completely to our Father and thus lose some perceived freedom. I also believe most simply want to rationalize their bad behaviors and have zero accountability to anyone. Which is why they can never answer the questions about why past events such as the Nazi regime, Communism and so on are objectively wrong. They cannot., on one hand, say to each his own and then flip and say something is morally wrong unless they admit this “morality” comes from something other than free choice. They will never openly admit this but deep down every human being knows right from wrong which is why they use force, threats, violence, secrecy and such to avoid detection. Otherwise, if relativism was right then there would be no need for police, laws, hiding behaviors and such because nothing would be objectively wrong….clearly that would be a horrible world to live in and we would truly be in darkness.

    What I love most is that Scripture and our traditions have all the answers we need and in clear, concise meanings that everyone can understand. And you can tell that really “burns them up” (no pun intended) when you show them the counter arguments directly from Jesus and the Apostles, Doctors of the church and so on. I just keep praying that these people who have turned away from God have a conversion back to our Lord one day. I never used to care about people like this until I realized that was not the Christian way and Jesus always gives mercy and forgiveness no matter what. Without the grace of the Holy Spirit we could certainly never do this but thanks be to GOD we have his help…

    God Bless…keep up the good work…

    • Allison Reply

      Thank you for the comments and sharing your thoughts!
      Yes, relativism is a distorted, dangerous and destructive worldview that is infecting our society. We must continue to preach the truths of the Gospel in response! And I pray all those falling into this mindset will be open to the truths God has revealed.

      And yes, we must all continue to pray for conversion: first, that we ourselves are converted deeper each day so we can become better witnesses to the world; and then for our family, friends, those we encounter and all others in the world that all may truly know Christ and the faith and discover what authentic freedom is and the happiness and joy it brings!

      Please keep me in your prayers and know you are in mine.
      God bless,

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