CS Lewis: The Screwtape Letters

Kindling the Catholic Faith online book club: We read The Screwtape Letters. What a powerful book and great source for spiritual reflection! As we read this book, I posted weekly reviews on the different letters of this book. Join me for my discussions that were recorded live on Facebook.

Week 1: Letters I-V

Week 2: Letters VI-X

Week 3: Letters XI-XV

Week 4: Letters XVI-XX

Week 5: Letters XXI-XXV

Week 6: Letters XXVI-XXX

Week 7: Letters XXXI and Screwtape Proposes a Toast

As a supplement: This is a great six-part lecture series on the book The Screwtape Letters given by Dr. Jerry Root, a Protestant CS Lewis scholar. He gives some great insights into this book!

(A caveat for lecture 6: as Catholics, we absolutely agree God’s love is unconditional – we do not earn it and God loves us even in our sins. However, if at the beginning of this video, Dr. Root is suggesting one cannot lose his salvation, we would disagree with him.)